Let’s make an impact together!

The goal of the From the Ashes documentary is to increase support for mother’s across the world on individual, organizational and systemic levels by starting an honest conversation about the difficult reality many mother’s are facing. Our impact strategy includes partnering with organizations who want to join this mission to rewrite the story for mother’s who suffer with PPD in silence.

  • Businesses & Corporations, Conferences, Universities & Institutions

    Reach new audiences with your brand message while showing your support for mother’s and joining the national conversation around maternal mental health.

  • Nonprofits, Advocacy Groups, Foundations & Community Groups

    Engage your audience with unique and compelling content. Demonstrate your commitment to supporting mother’s.

  • Healthcare Organizations & Mental Health Professionals

    Provide thought-provoking, educational content to help clinicians, therapists, and social workers to better serve mother’s in their role.

Ways to Partner

We have a variety of partnership options available, and we can customize a package that achieves your marketing and advocacy goals.

  • Host a Virtual or In-Person Private Screening

    Host a private screening of the film, online or in-person, with your audience. We’ll take care of all the details, and you can connect with your audience in an engaging and meaningful way.

    Leverage your screening as an exclusive event, fundraiser, workshop, continuing education, discussion panel — anything that furthers your goals.

  • Sponsor a Virtual Screening

    Connect with a new audience by sponsoring a screening of the film for an online community or nonprofit.

    Take advantage of multiple branded touch points with viewers, including an introductory video, branded viewing experience and more.

    You can also host or participate in a Q&A, panel discussion or other virtual “bonus content” to increase engagement.

  • Be a Resource Partner

    Sponsor the digital materials included with downloadable screening kits, including dedicated ad space in our caregiver resource list. Include your fully branded educational and/or promotional content.

    Your brand is featured on our website, on promotional materials, along with your special offer for viewers.